Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Steppas Choice 165: Stacie & C4TR


Steppas Choice 165: Stacie & C4TR
Broadcasted on the 28th of February 2011

Don’t know? You got to listen this show! Stacie, aka MC Staga (MC/Singer) & Hazy (Beats/Sampling/Production) worked quiet a while on their first album/mixtape. Staga dropped by from time to time to play a tune or two in the show and I was always quiet impressed by what he brought time. So when he called me and announced that they were done with it and finally about to release their music, the question was quickly raised:
“When will you come to for a Steppas Choice Showcase?”
So they came and also brought their partner in crime Jordan along and wrecked the studio with some freestyles and a more than funny tune-by-tune Album introduction.
So with no further explanation: download it and listen to it! The Music is everything!
Big up Stacie!


Bass Bless’